daystarsearcher wrote in ihasatardis Aug 27, 2011 00:34
4 planet of evil, actor: jon pertwee, 4 logopolis, 4 masque of mandragora, companion: sarah jane
ben_jeapes wrote in ihasatardis May 18, 2011 12:59
4 logopolis, 4th doctor, companion: adric, 11 the doctor's wife
breenwood wrote in ihasatardis Feb 22, 2011 23:53
4 meglos, 4 logopolis, companion: k9, 4 leisure hive, actor: jon pertwee!terrifying, 4th doctor era, 4 state of decay, 4 keeper of traken, seriously miscellaneous crossovers, companion: romana, companion: barbara, 4 warriors gate, old skool, meme: i can see my house from here, companion: adric, 4 full circle, one episode a day, 4th doctor, 10 school reunion
breenwood wrote in ihasatardis Feb 21, 2011 22:19
one episode a day, 4 logopolis, 4th doctor, old skool, 4th doctor era
breenwood wrote in ihasatardis Jun 16, 2010 00:44
11 the lodger, 2 underwater menace, 4 logopolis, 11 flesh and stone, alien: weeping angelols, 1 romans, 1 celestial toymaker, 3 green death, 11 vincent and the doctor, master!simm, 10 end of time, lyrics, children in need
callmeromana wrote in ihasatardis Nov 17, 2009 17:40
alien: ood, 4 logopolis, 10 waters of mars
cygnia wrote in ihasatardis Sep 18, 2009 21:47
10th doctor era, xover: misc movies, 4 logopolis, books audios comics etc
firestorm172001 wrote in ihasatardis Mar 28, 2009 01:21
10 smith and jones, 9 bad wolf/parting of the ways, 10th doctor!tinkerbell jesus, 4 logopolis, 10 tse/journey's end, welshness, alien: judoon, alien: family of blood, 3 mind of evil, xover: misc movies, xover: books, xover: house, master!delgado, actor: jon pertwee!terrifying, xover: misc tv, master!ainley, xover: star trek, torchwood, 10th doctor, 10 utopia/sod/lotl, 10 human nature/family of blood, 9th doctor, companion: captain jack!naked, xover: monty python, 3 sea devils
firestorm172001 wrote in ihasatardis Nov 23, 2008 23:41
10 silence in the library, 4 logopolis, sarah jane adventures, character: rani, miscellaneous crossovers, alien: face of boe, 10 gridlock, xover: misc tv, alien: weevils, master!roberts, alien: macra, master!ainley, topical, 10th doctor, 10 utopia/sod/lotl, xover: spn, alien: daleks, 9th doctor, torchwood: owen, alien: vashta nerada, 4th doctor, more torchwood, companion: captain jack, lyrics, 10th doctor!hand, 9 empty child/doctor dances, torchwood: dead man walking
breenwood wrote in ihasatardis Jan 24, 2008 23:59
4 logopolis, 4th doctor